Inspirational Blogs For Getting Ideas

Inspirational Blogs For Getting Ideas: We all know how important content is to any marketing campaign.

The inspirational blogs, for example, has become the cornerstone of any successful website; guiding users in with targeted, relevant, and engaging content and ultimately delighting with them so much they convert and subscribe to get more.

But what if your blog design is missing the mark?


The biggest piece of advice I can give when designing your blog for users is make it readable.

What do I mean by that? Simply put, legibility and digestibility. Use clean fonts, headings, and put the focus on the content.

Wistia does a great job of this on its blog.


Drift’s blog design is another that definitely hits the mark for readability.

Its listing page is a minimal, single-column with big, beautiful imagery to really pique the user’s interest and get them reading.

The addition of an estimated read time is something that’s forgotten but can be absolutely critical to your users


Another great blog listing layout can be seen at Sigstr.

The email signature company utilizes a “card” style layout, which can be done really well (in this case) or really poorly.

You’ll typically see three-column card-style listing pages, which can make the content hard to digest. The Sigstr team, however, opted for a two-column layout, which limits the number of options at hand and avoids sending too many messages at once.

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